Most of what we encounter in the world are the unintended consequences of decisions made in the past.
What will what you did today mean twenty years from now?
the mana'o of cobey williamson
Most of what we encounter in the world are the unintended consequences of decisions made in the past.
What will what you did today mean twenty years from now?
In the Sōtō tradition, all life’s activities, however mundane, must be undertaken in a religious spirit.
Like any true philosopher, my goal is a unifying theory.
Currently, I have only disparate thoughts. This website is an effort toward assembling them in a place accessible to others.
Generally, I believe the universe is itself the unifying theory. As far as I can tell, the universe, meaning “all that there is,” experiences itself as consciousness, and the two are mutually exclusive. The universe can be universal, or it can be conscious, but not both at the same time. Beyond that, most things seem up for grabs.
There are a number of delightfully interesting threads worth exploring. I’ll add more as I come to them, but here are a few to start:
*an acknowledgement to Dr. Robert Walsh for leading me to these investigations
The day is long It has not gone And yet it does not stay But where it goes I do not know And why I cannot say
though I cannot do whatever I like, I will tell you about it. I wish to live in a quiet little village where everyone walks and I never have to be without my dogs. there I wish to husband plants & animals to our mutual benefit and live as simply as one can in this world. I would like a partner in this who also likes to fool around with a smile whenever the chance arises (for this desire is terribly strong in me unfortunately). in my free time I should like to romp & play and especially work at the arts, for they are the truest expression of what lies within the soul. if I could see both the sea and the mountains, that would be best, but I will take one or the other if I must. I wish there to be no cars, no disparity of wealth, and, most importantly, no dishonesty. here I will live solely to the advantage of others, and, by their doing likewise, we shall all prosper. my neighbor will police me, as I him, such that there will be no need for citizens on patrol or laws of any kind, and no doors will be closed to me behind which the evilest of action may be hidden. in all, I should like to reside in God’s dream during the day and rest my mind nightly, rather than be plagued, both awake and asleep, by nightmare.
can’t find the source can’t find the sea closed system nothing gained nothing lost everything is constant just bounce along a stream is static and dynamic a single entity and a zillion individual molecules of hydrogen and oxygen all at once is it measured in an instant or over time why why not a crocodile in the kootenai but how does that relate to a billion people all concerned with immediate deliberations there’s no figuring it out it’s a circle or maybe a down around route coming back to a same beginning about food, status, reproduction, deduction of construction of this thing we call what is if I does for I and self for self what is love and why does it exist or does it exist at all do we know anything beyond words and chemical reactions refractions of light bend time and if a blind deaf dumb man with no sense of smell was floating in space would he even know if he existed and if he knew of self would he love is self-love innate if I don’t know what any word means how can I know what any other word means so do I know anything at all of course I do I don’t but how can a chinaman and I both know a rock will fall to the earth if neither of us has ever seen one another or a rock fall or would it even fall at all lofty goals are they really lofty and does lofty truly mean self-sacrificing?
In little circles I go round to end up at the start Trying to escape the sounds pounding in my heart